đề kiểm tra 1 tiết tiếng anh lớp 11 lần 1

Đề đánh giá giờ đồng hồ Anh 11 mới nhất sở hữu đáp án

Đề đánh giá 45 phút môn giờ đồng hồ Anh lớp 11

Đề đánh giá 45 phút lớp 11 môn giờ đồng hồ Anh sở hữu đáp án bao gồm nhiều dạng khác nhau bài xích luyện trắc nghiệm giờ đồng hồ Anh 11 không giống nhau là tư liệu tìm hiểu thêm hữu ích dành riêng cho chúng ta học viên lớp 11, hùn chúng ta ôn luyện và thực hiện bài xích đua 1 tiết đợt 1 môn giờ đồng hồ Anh 11 hiệu suất cao. Đề đánh giá sở hữu đáp án kèm theo vô cùng tiện lợi cho tới chúng ta so sánh sau khoản thời gian demo mức độ thực hiện bài xích.

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Đề đánh giá 45 phút Tiếng Anh 11 - Đề 1

I. Chọn phương án rất tốt nhằm hoàn thành xong những câu sau.

Câu 1: I was delighted ------------- the result of the final exam.

A to tát hear

B to tát be heard

C hearing

D hear

Câu 2: It was a(n) -----situation when I finished meal in a restaurant and I found out I left my purse at trang chủ.

A constant

B expensive

C embarrassing

D loyal

Câu 3: Don’t let your brothers ------------ the present.

A see

B to tát be seen

C to tát see

D seeing

Câu 4: My parents didn’t allow her daughter ------------ out last night.

A go

B to tát go

C went

D going

Câu 5: It is ----------- of you to tát share your food with bủ.

A calm

B generous

C clever

D modest

Câu 6: The “ ------------- ” is often celebrated on people’s 25th wedding anniversaries.

A Golden Anniversary

B Diamond Anniversary

C Cotton Anniversary

D Silver Anniversary

Câu 7: My mother ------------ to tát the grocery store on Sunday mornings.

A go

B goes

C had gone

D went

Câu 8: Your ---------is the aniversary of the date on which you were born.

A wedding

B birthday

C congratulations

D party

Câu 9: Over fifty --------- were invited to tát Mr. and Mrs. Brown’s wedding anniversary buổi tiệc ngọt.

A witnesses

B guests

C customers

D clients

Câu 10: While I -------------- my room, my grandmother ---------- my younger sister.

A tidied/ was teaching

B was tidying/ was teaching

C was tidying/ taught

D tidy/ teaches

Câu 11: Does Dr. Johnson mind -----------at trang chủ if his patients need his help?

A being called

B to tát call

C to tát be called

D calling

Câu 12: The plants want ------------------daily.

A watering

B being watered

C to tát be watered

D to tát water

Câu 13: She wanted --------home but the quấn made her -------until she finished -------those contracts

A to tát go/ stay/ typing

B to tát go/ staying/ type

C go/ stay/ typing

D to tát go/ to tát stay/ to tát type

Câu 14: Please don’t --------------- . Everything will be all right.

A make mistakes

B make sure

C make it

D make a fuss

Câu 15: If you only care about your interests and feelings, you are very ---------------------.

A loyal

B friendly

C selfish

D happy

Câu 16: Could you tell bủ some of your personal ----------- in life?

A packages

B complaints

C cottages

D experiences

Câu 17: “He got quite a lot of nice presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful big drum.”

The word “presents” in this sentence can be replaced by ----------.

A things

B gifts

C sweets

D books

Câu 18: He was watched ------------- my briefcase.

A open

B to tát open

C being open

D opening

Câu 19: In spite of many changes in her life, she always remains -----------------to her political principles

A selfish

B unselfishness

C sympathy

D loyal

Câu 20: When we ----------- trang chủ, our parents ---------- out for lunch.

A arrived/ had gone

B arrived/ went

C had arrived/ went

D arrived/ have gone

II. Chọn MỘT kể từ sở hữu trọng âm chủ yếu nhấn nhập âm tiết toạ lạc không giống với những kể từ còn sót lại.

Câu 21: A eagerB goldenC idolD affair
Câu 22: A togetherB celebrateC experienceD embarrass

III. Chọn đáp án trúng nhất nhằm hoàn thành xong đoạn văn sau.

Linda is seven years old today, and her parents hold a (23)---------------- for her. On the table there is a birthday (24) -------- which there are seven colourful (25) ------------sitting in the middle of the cake. People sing “Happy birthday” to tát Linda. When they finish singing, she blows (26) ------------ the candles on the cake then she cuts the cake to tát serve the guests. After that, she happily opens her birthday cards and (27)----------that her relatives and friends give her.

Câu 23: A birthday party

B house-warming party

C farewell partyD wedding pary
Câu 24: A breadB caddyC sandwichD cake
Câu 25: A giftsB ringsC candlesD flowers
Câu 26: A offB overC outD down
Câu 27: A presentsB complaintsC parentsD helicopters

VI. Chọn câu hoàn hảo nhất nhập số những phương án đang được cho tới.

Câu 28: while/ I/ open/ letter/ telephone/ ring

A While I had opened the letter, the telephone rang

B While I was opening the letter, the telephone rang

C While I opened the letter, the telephone rang

D While I was opening the letter, the telephone was rung

Câu 29: they/ invite/ stay/ in Florida

A They invited bủ stay with them in Florida.

B They invited bủ staying with them in Florida.

C They invited to tát stay with them in Florida.

D They invited bủ to tát stay with them in Florida.

V. Chọn MỘT kể từ sở hữu phần gạch men chân được phân phát âm không giống với những kể từ còn lại

Câu 30: A childrenB churchC changeD machine
Câu 31: A monitorB monthC monkeyD money
Câu 32: A husbandB holdC happyD hour

VI. Hãy xác lập một lỗi sai nhập số những từ/cụm kể từ được gạch men bên dưới chân ở từng câu sau.

Câu 33: I expected (A) to admit (B) to the (C) school, but I wasn’t (D).

Câu 34: After she buys (A) herself (B) a (C) new motorbike, she sold (D) her old one.

Câu 35: She said the (A) letter was personal (B) and wouldn’t (C) let bủ to read (D) it

VII. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và lựa chọn phương án trúng (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) cho tới 5 câu sau.


The train I was travelling on was already half an hour late. I had arranged to tát arrive in Vienna at 7.15 in time to tát catch the 7.25 train to tát Paris, but there was no hope of that now. I explained the situations to tát the ticket collector who advised bủ to tát get off two stops before Vienna Central Station and take a xe taxi. When the time came, he even helped bủ with my luggage. He wished bủ good luck as I jumped off, and a few minutes late I was racing towards the centre of the thành phố in a xe taxi. It was almost 7.25 when we stopped outside the station, paid the driver quickly, seized my bags and hurried inside. “Paris train?” was all I had time to tát say to tát the first official I saw. You could imagine my disappointment when he pointed to tát a train that was just moving out of the station at great speed!

Câu 36: What does the word “seized” in this passage mean?

A. left

B. threw

C. took

D. dragged

Câu 37: Who helped the writer with his luggage?

A. the xe taxi driver

B. the train driver

C. the ticket collector

D. a passenger

Câu 38: Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A The writer got off the train before reaching Vienna Centre Station.

B The writer wanted to tát catch the 7.25 train to tát Paris.

C The train the writer was travelling to tát Vienna was thity minutes late.

D Finally, the writer caught the train to tát Paris at 7.25.

Câu 39: How did the writer arrive at Vienna Centre Station?

A. by train

B. by bus

C. by car

D. by taxi

Câu 40: What time had the writer arranged to tát arrive in Vienna?

A. at 7.30

B. at 7.00

C. at 7.15

D at 7.25


1 - A2 - C3 - A4 - B5 - B6 - D7 - B8 - B9 - B10 - B
11 - A12 - C13 - A14 - D15 - C16 - D17 - B18 - B19 - A20 - A
21 - D22 - B23 -A24 - D24 - C26 - C27 - A28 - A29 - D30 - D
31 - A32 - D33 - D34 - A35 - C35 - C37 - C38 - C39 - D40 - C

Đề đánh giá 1 tiết môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Đề 2


Circle the correct option (A, B, C, or D) to tát indicate the correct answer to tát each of the following questions

1. I live in a/an ____ with my parents and my elder sister in the coastal area.

A. extended family

B. nuclear family

C. extended house

D. nuclear house

Xem thêm: Tỷ lệ kèo trực tuyến là gì? Mẹo đặt cược tỷ lệ kèo trực tuyến uy tín

2. We started ____ out together before we realised we were in love.

A. asking

B. eating

C. going

D. hanging

3. I have a ____ on a classmate who is very near and dear to tát bủ.

A. crush

B. desire

C. flame

D. passion

4. You seem more ____ now.

A. relaxed

B. relax

C. relaxing

D. relaxingly

5. She said she would become a ____ singer ____.

A. famous/quick

B. famous/quickly

C. famously/quick

D. famously/quickly

Complete the sentences with the correct size of the words in brackets.

1. The elderly are more _______________ about their eating habit. (CONSERVATIVELY)

2. We are in need of ___________ professionals for this subject. (EXPERIENCE)

3. There are at least three ___________ living under the same roof in my family. (GENERATIONAL)

Xem đáp án

1. The elderly are more _______CONSERVATIVE________ about their eating habit. (CONSERVATIVELY)

2. We are in need of ______ EXPERIENCED_____ professionals for this subject. (EXPERIENCE)

3. There are at least three ___GENERATIONS__ living under the same roof in my family. (GENERATIONAL)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to tát indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to tát the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

1. At last, Huong made a determined effort to tát get a scholarship so sánh that he could have chance to tát study overseas.

A. tenacious

B. serious

C. unresolved

D. necessary

2. The government found it very difficult to tát cope with the rising unemployment.

A. try

B. manage

C. reduce

D. increase


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to tát indicate the correct response to tát each of the following exchanges.

1. “How often vì thế you have your teeth checked?” – “____”

A. Two months.

B. Not much.

C. Rarely.

D. They're checked carefully.

2. “How long have you learnt Japanese?” – “____”

A. For 2005.

B. I learnt it at my university.

C. Since I was 10.

D. It lasted 3 months.


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to tát indicate the correct answer to tát each of the questions.

The skills needed to tát succeed in college are very different from those required in high school.

In addition to tát study skills that may be new to tát students, there will also be everyday living skills that students may not have had to tát use before.

Students should:

– know how to tát handle everyday living skills such as doing laundry, paying bills, balancing a checkbook, cooking, getting the oil changed in the xế hộp, etc.

– be familiar and compliant with medical needs concerning medication and health problems. If ongoing medical and/or psychological treatment is needed, arrangements should be made in advance to tát continue that care while the student is away at college.

– understand that the environmental, academic, and social structure provided by parents and teachers will not be in place in college. With this lack of structure comes an increased need for responsibility in decision-making and goal-setting.

– know how to tát interact appropriately with instructors, college staff, roommates, and peers. Appropriate social interaction and communication are essential at the college level of education.

– be comfortable asking for help when needed. The transition from high school to tát college can be overwhelming socially and academically. Students should know when they need help and should be able to tát reach out and ask for that help.

1. According to tát the writer, if students want to tát have medical treatment, they should ____.

A. be away

B. be familiar with medical needs

C. make arrangements

D. meet their parents

2. The word “ongoing" is closest in meaning to tát ____.

A. continuing

B. short-term

C. brief

D. little

3. College students should be aware that ____.

A. everything in college will be different

B. parents and teachers are not in college

C. structures must be provided by parents

D. structures must be provided by teachers

4. Which of the following is NOT true about college life?

A. It is essential to tát have good communication skills.

B. Students must be responsible for their own decisions.

C. Students should know some living skills.

D. Students should not ask for help.

5. The word “overwhelming” is closest in meaning to tát ____.

A. simple

B. confusing

C. manageable

D. easy


Rewrite these following sentences without changing its meanings

1. I will tell you my secret, but you tell anyone. (mustn't)


2. Students usually ask the teacher a lot of interesting questions. (who)


3. Everybody makes that mistake. (easy)


Xem đáp án

1. I will tell you my secret, but you mustn't tell anyone.

2. It is the teacher who students usually ask a lot of interesting questions.

3. It's an easy mistake to tát make.


Listen and choose the correct answer.

Bài nghe

1. Where did Enrico’s family move to?

A. The south of Italy

B. The USA

C. A small town in Italy

D. The north of Italy

2. How does Carolina describe Enrico when he was young?

A. Quiet and funny

B. Intelligent

C. Quite funny

D. Gorgeous

3. What did she study at university?

A. Law

B. Economics

C. European languages

D. European history

4. What did they arrange to tát do?

A. Go to tát a disco

B. Go out for a pizza

C. Go to tát have a beer

D. Go to tát see a movie

5. What did they actually do?

A. They went to tát the cinema

B. They talked in a bar

C. They went to tát a park

D. They walked on the beach

6. How old is their daughter?

A. 6 months

B. 3 months

C. 1 year

D. 6 years

Xem đáp án

1. D

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. A

Nội dung bài xích nghe

So Carolina, where did you first meet Enrico?

Well, it's funny really because we first met when we were just four or five but we don't actually remember. We both lived in the same apartment block until Enrico's family moved to tát the north of Italy, when I guess we were about seven.

So, did you keep in touch?

No, not at all. we didn't really know each other so sánh there was no reason to tát. He was just the quiet, funny looking boy that nobody ever really spoke to tát.

OK, so sánh how did you meet for the second time?

Well, it was about five years ago. I went to tát university in Milan to tát study European languages and although I worked very hard during the day, at night I liked to tát go out and enjoy myself. Anyway, one night I was in a salsa bar with some friends when I noticed at the next table this really good-looking guy who was sitting alone and chatting on his mobile. I didn't realise I was staring at him, but after what seemed lượt thích hours he looked at bủ and gave bủ a really friendly smile. I felt really embarrassed, I don't know why, so sánh I just looked away and spoke to tát my friends.

What happened then?

Nothing. I mean, I felt a bit silly so sánh I tried to tát ignore him but I just couldn't stop looking over at his table. Every time I did he smiled. That gorgeous smile! For some reason he seemed really familiar but I didn't remember seeing him on any of my language courses, and I certainly didn't know anyone who lived in Milan. I was trying so sánh hard to tát remember his face, but when I looked over again he was gone..

Oh no! what did you vì thế then?

But then there he was, standing behind our table. I just sat there and looked at him lượt thích I was some kind of idiot. I didn't know what to tát say.

Who spoke first?

He did

What did he say?

He said "hello stranger. I haven't seen you since we moved away. You look wonderful. What are you doing here?" I didn't know what to tát say because I didn't know what he was talking about. Then he explained about how we'd lived in the same apartment block etc. etc. I just couldn't believe that he'd recognised bủ.

But were you happy?

Oh yeah, I mean, he was gorgeous. I just felt a bit bad that I hadn't remembered him but that he'd remembered bủ.

So what happened in the end?

We swapped phone numbers and he promised to tát Call bủ the following week to tát go out for a pizza. It's not very original, I know, but I didn't care to tát be honest. I just wanted to tát see him again. What in fact happened was that he called bủ the next morning and said that he couldn't wait a whole week to tát see bủ, so sánh we met that afternoon and had a beautiful walk in the local park and talked about everything and nothing. It was so sánh romantic. That day we fell in love and have been happy ever since. Our daughter, Sabelle, was born 6 months ago and we're getting married next summer.

Sabelle?! Who chose that name?

Xem thêm: google calender

We both did.

Trên đấy là Đề đua giờ đồng hồ Anh đợt 1 học tập kì 2 lớp 11 sở hữu đáp án. Mời thầy cô tìm hiểu thêm tăng nhiều tư liệu ôn luyện Tiếng Anh lớp 11 cả năm không giống như: Để học tập chất lượng tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 11, Bài luyện Tiếng Anh lớp 11 theo đuổi từng Unit trực tuyến, Đề đua học tập kì 1 lớp 11, Đề đua học tập kì 2 lớp 11,... được update liên tiếp bên trên VnDoc.com.

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